- Sepehr Energy Holding
- Policy
Sepehr Energy Co. holds that its mission is to develop energy industries using the most competent methods and technologies to achieve stakeholder satisfaction. The activities of Sepehr Energy Co. range from investment, maintenance, support, and management of petrochemical and energy projects with organizational empowerment and business value models to exercising a comprehensive view of the internal and external spaces. Furthermore, Sepeher Energy has established its management systems based on ISO 9001: 2015, ISO 14001: 2015, and ISO45001: 2018, and continuously attempts to improve its standards and intends to attract the effective participation of all employees to achieve the following objectives:
- As a primary obligation, ensuring the effectiveness of investment and profitability using appropriate and scientific techniques, tools, and methods to seek opportunities, conduct financial and economic analysis, develop the infrastructure, improve the existing structures, and manage risks.
- Generally balancing the obtained liquidity and fully supporting development projects.
- Employment of trustworthy, proficient, and highly-motivated HRs in the effective implementation of our strategic plan
- Effective and efficient administration of projects in line with project management standards and integrated management, with emphasis on promoting value-added and corporate cost management
- Improving the level of employer management by applying organizational governance to developing and integrating management systems using internal capabilities, integration, and providing centralized professional services
- Fostering competitiveness and equal opportunities for consultants and contractors for concluding contracts, participating and cooperate in project studies and implementations
- Continuous and effective implementation and improvement of the integrated management system, focusing on stakeholder satisfaction
- Developing a culture for participation and preventing pollution, and observing the requirements related to the environmental obligations, occupational safety, and health of employees/society/other stakeholders
The following macro-strategic goals have been planned, which will be revised and introduced to the major stakeholders, if required, to achieve the extent of the integrated management system policy:
1- Continuous profitability
- Promotion of corporate brand and reputation
- Advancement of downstream development plans
4- Development and integration of management systems
5- Seeking financing opportunities
6- Corporate cost management
To ensure the effective implementation of this policy, the senior management of Sepehr Energy reviews the integrated management system regularly to enhance and upgrade the system and ensure the efficiency and satisfaction of requirements. All employees of Sepehr Energy Co. are committed to maintaining, exercising, and continuously improving all work processes and activities.