

Holding an ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System Standards Basis Course by Qutb Petrochemicals

Sepehr Lavan’s Qutb Petrochemicals conducted the ISO 9001:2015 quality management system standards basis course by Mr. Hadi HajiBagheri.
A complimentary workshop was conducted in parallel to this course attended by employees Sepehr Energy Holding and its subsidiaries to enhance their knowledge, teach them new skills, and change their attitudes towards this subject.
Qutb Co. conducted the first stage of this course by following all health protocols and taking Covid-19 tests from all participants. The second stage of this course will be held during next week with an exam to issue the personnel’s training report.
It should be said that Qutb Co. had previously held other training courses such as “Understanding Quality Management System Standards based on ISO 9001:2015,” “Understanding Environment System Management Standards ISO 14001:2015” and “Understanding Occupational Health Safety System Management Standards ISO 45001:2018” for the holding employees and its subsidiaries in Asaluyeh city.

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